
Time of Mercy Blog


This is the time of fulfillment – Mk 1:14-20


“This is the time of fulfillment” - these are the first words of the Lord Jesus recorded in the Gospel of St. Mark – “and The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel". Today let us try to comment on just these two words: "Time is fulfilled."

In our daily life, there comes a proper moment for various matters as well. For example, for farmers it is time to sow and time of harvest - and it is even hard to imagine that the farmer would miss that time. Likewise, it is time for the child to go to school and for the student to take exams.

Fulfillment of time may also apply to negative situations. For example, something bad is happening in my body until you feel it is time to see a doctor. Or someone is not paying attention to their duties until they are called to the order. We have warnings in the Scriptures that the measure of our wickedness may be full.

Well, these words of the Lord Jesus: "The time is fulfilled, convert" contain at least three meanings. The first meaning of these words is pointed out by the Apostle in the Letter to the Galatians: " when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law."(cf. Gal 4:4) If it were not for the Lord Jesus, no sinner - and we are all sinners - would be able to come closer to God.

However, for us who already know the Good News, these words of the Lord Jesus "Time is fulfilled" can have both negative and positive meanings. It may be that our conscience has been telling us for a long time that we need to do something with our lives because there is too much deficiency going on in it. Perhaps we are even beginning to fear that God's patience with us and our wrongdoing is about to end. Then these words, "Time is fulfilled" mean it is time to make some radical changes and seek the Divine Physician.

For those who try to live God's way, the words " Time is fulfilled " will not be so much a call to a radical change in life, but rather a call to thanks for the good that happens in our lives. Maybe we have been carrying ourselves with one good intention or another for a long time. Maybe right now is the time to start implementing this intention.

Either way, these words of the Lord Jesus, "The time is fulfilled" apply to each of us. Although it is different for each one, according to my or your current life situation.

Come after me

Following the Lord Jesus makes us different people. Apparently, nothing changes, but our life becomes completely different. This is what Jesus' words mean: " Come after me, and

I will make you fishers of men " - "You will remain yourself, but your life will be different". The presence of Jesus in our lives adds a lot to this life. For this to happen, yes, you have to leave a lot. But is worth! Jesus wants to fill our lives with new content, he wants us to undertake such activities that we have never dreamed of before. These actions will not be a command, but the fruit of new abilities. If we want to know more, if we want to be more educated, if we want to be richer in things that money cannot buy - let us follow Jesus.

The vocation mentioned in today's Gospel is not the eleventh commandment that God gives to some people. It is a proposal that requires a person to give up some of their previous plans, but at the same time brings new perspectives that a given person has never considered. If Simon, Andrew, James, and John had ignored the words of the Lord Jesus, He would have loved them just as much. And he would still bless them. A vocation is always a love adventure shared by God and a chosen person. In something like this there is no room for orders and instructions. Here is the unity of hearts.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski