
Time of Mercy Blog


The power of the WORD


“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lamp stand so that those who enter may see the light. ... Take care, then, how you hear the Word. To anyone who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he seems to have will be taken away.” (cf. Luke 8: 16-18) - it is a very important text that teaches us whether we have the Word of God in us, or maybe we only think that we have It? And then… it will be taken away from us.

So: do we have the Word in us? The above Pericope from Luke is a continuation of the previous one, which is suggested by introducing it "after all" (Greek: De; Latin:autem); and the previous pericope is Luke's version of the parable of the Sower. Jesus concludes it and praises those who, having heard the Word, keep it in a virtuous and good heart, and bear fruit in endurance (cf. Lk 8:15).

So "to have the Word within us" means to have It "in our heart" first, that is, to keep It in us as a reality that is loved, recognized by as us, and not just to know it or even to understand it. It is a "Word" and not a "Scripture", the writing becomes a "Word" when it is not read but actually spoken to usby the Lord. It is therefore about the meditation of writing that it becomes an encounter with the Living God, who now speaks with love to us. We hear the Word in prayer; we keep It in our hearts through meditation which is love's response to Love.

Our pericope asks each of us: do you have the Word in you? When was the last time you had the experience of the Lord speaking directly to you in Scripture? Did you keep It within you? Have you saved? - What is the Word? What specifically is? These are the key questions in faith - after all, faith is born of what is heard (cf. Rom 10:17).

However, this is not the end of questions posed by Jesus in the text under our consideration. The Lord also makes us aware that the Word is given to us to be shared - it is a light that cannot be covered with a pot; it is for others, for everyone who enters the house. If we do not want to share this Word - it will be taken from us.

Moreover, the willingness to keep the Word for oneself is clearly proof that I only "think I have" it. Maybe I repeat them over and over to myself, maybe I am intellectually drawn or surprised. But it clearly did not grow in me - it did not multiply. It did not become such a discovery, such a revolution that finally engulfs and puts everything in order - that I just have to share it with others - like the apostles before the Sanhedrin said: " It is impossible for us not to speak about what we have seen and heard....". (cf. Acts 4:20)

If I want to keep the Word for myself only; if I do not know the hidden urge in It to share It, then I still have not knowntheWord. Maybe I knowItscontent, but I do not knowItspower.

And this one is from the Holy Spirit, which is the breath of the Scriptures.

I accepted - I pass it on. As Pope Francis says: "two profiles of one face of a Disciple/ Missionary". It is a discipline of faith that ultimately does not just come from somewhere, that sharing the truth that you have discovered seems almost natural. Faith is also a call from the Spirit and is endowed by Him. Is a talent. It is God's action plan. Yes, it is "God's work" in which I can enter with my decision and action.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski