
Time of Mercy Blog


Silence - Mk 1:21-28


As I read today’s Gospel passage, the first thing I notice is the scream of the demon.

A scream that can still be heard today. What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Exactly. What do you want from us, God? What do you want from us, Jesus? Why are you still picking on us, you Church? Why do you still have a grudge against us: pope, priests, bishops.

These questions have been heard over and over again, for centuries when the Church speaks on basic matters of ethics, morality. When the Church is sounding the alarm on social issues. Then various "enlightened" people are indignant and shout that the Church is interfering.

Then the "screamers" jump out with their "What do you want from us?" By what right? Who let you? Why are you looking at our beds ...? You want to say how to live ... You are striking our freedom. We have the right to do what we want, meet who we want. We have the right to "dispose of our own belly”. This voice comes from militant feminists, gender experts and the other like them. Fighters for "freedom" ... for "ideological neutrality”. The voice of Christ's adversary is the same through the ages: What do you want from us, Jesus?

What does Jesus say to that? How does he react to the scream of the evil one? What is His answer? Short and firm: “Quiet! Come out of him!”. And this is a lesson for us.

No discussions with evil, no compromises, no debates with hostile ideologies. There is no discussion with evil. There is no democratic vote.

In elementary matters our words should be clear ... Yes or No ... For God there are no compromise with evil. There is no choice of "lesser evil”. There are no "compromise laws". The disciple of Christ does not compromise but takes an unequivocal attitude towards evil. A radical attitude. And like Christ will say: "Silence" ... rejects unequivocally all that what is demonic.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski