
Time of Mercy Blog


A prophet is not without honor except in his native place – Mk 6:1-6


Jesus NEVER imposed ANYTHING on ANYONE! It is characteristic that He is free and respects human freedom, even at the cost of rejecting Him, despising Him, that's how God is! Did he feel misunderstood only among his own people? Of course not. He will be incomprehensible to the end of the world by many, great and small, rich and poor, this is God's fate ... The people will doubt about Him and try to convince the world that He was not there at all, that it is a pious fairy tale and that is all. We may wonder if Jesus felt sorry for this. Who wouldn't be?! If someone rejects love, it would not be pleasant, we know it ourselves. How many times we have been rejected, doubted? We can say that we live the story of Jesus in ourselves.

What was Jesus' "tactic" to all of this? Did he curse them, excommunicate them? Did he send blasphemy, profanity towards the unbelievers? No! It is not His style! He simply WENT FURTHER and "went around the surrounding villages and taught." Still doing his work! He did not feel sorry for himself, he did not cry, he did not panic, he went on and TAUGHT! He taught in freedom, those who had an open heart to His teachings and accepted it!

In conclusion: nothing by force! Evangelize with the example of life, do not force God and faith, do not fight with "fire and sword", because it is pointless, give freedom as Jesus did! Live the Gospel, at least try hard. And do miracles! Yes! As many miracles as possible! You can do it! This will draw people to Him! How to do it? Love! Love is the greatest miracle! Do not spare yourself in this regard!

One more thought: Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary?

The carpenter is not an ordinary joiner. He can certainly make many things out of wood; the carpenter is not only to made "stools". What does a carpenter really? A carpenter is a construction joiner. So - to put it simply – he is a builder. So, Jesus was engaged in the work of constructing before he began teaching. The word used in the original text, tekton, means builder. But one will ask, why is it so fantastic that Jesus was a builder by profession? It is simple. He came into the world to build. To build the kingdom of God among us. To build a beautiful temple in our hearts. To build our everyday life the best way in the world. He builds very precisely so, that no one will accuse him of a failure and there will be no complaints.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski