Blessed Michael Sopocko, the confessor and spiritual advisor of St. Faustina, writes that the Eucharist "is a masterpiece of the love of Our Lord," for in it He plunges into the very depths of our hearts with His mercy: “The Eucharist reveals the love of Jesus for each of the members of the Church, for He gives Himself to each of them. Desiring to be the source of Divine life in them, Jesus takes on the form of nourishment to come close to us and penetrate into the recesses of our hearts, where He exalts, consoles, and enriches us, and gives Himself to us as a pledge of future happiness”. (God is Mercy, p. 64)
On behalf of the organizers of the congress I am pleased to invite you to be part of this "Eucharistic Revival" event.
We invite you to register early. Also, please extend this invitation to your friends, neighbors, family and anyone who is interested to attend; encourage them to register by mail, online at or on the phone.
Registration also will be available on site.
If you have the ability to coordinate with your parish office, you are authorized to ask your parish to post it in the Parish Bulletin. Please help us to extend this invitation to all interested, we can provide you with posters and hard copy registrations if needed.
Enclosed you will find the Programs and Registration. Your participation will be a sign of your devotion to Divine Mercy.
Many of you are far away and cannot join us in person, please keep the Eucharistic Revival, Divine Mercy Congress at Christ the King in your prayers and become the Witness of Divine Marcy.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (323) 449-9014.
Thank you very much,
May Merciful Jesus bless you always,
Lelis Cruzata
Christ the King Parish Divine Mercy Ministry
Congress Coordinator