
Time of Mercy Blog


Heart of Jesus, aflame with Love for us


Jesus said: " I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! " (Lk 12:49). And in the Acts of Apostles we read that the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles in the form of fiery tongues ( cf. Acts 2, 1-4). God's love is like a fire that burns, heats, lights the way, but also ignites others to live with love. Love compared to fire Indicated the intensity of the experience. God loves man with infinite love. Love compared to fire is something beautiful, bright and warm. It is an experience that each of us desires and needs. And it is with such love that Jesus comes to us every day. He comes with the fire of love and wants this fire to burn with intensity. Which means that Jesus' desire is love between people. This love, however, is to be the love of Jesus, we are to love as He loves. And such love sometimes causes splits and misunderstandings because it is not always understood and accepted. It also happens in a family when one of its members is unable or unwilling to accept or love the love Jesus teaches. 

To Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Christ appeared in the fire: "One day - says the Saint - our Lord introduced himself to me all beaming with glory, with the stigmas of five wounds. From his breast, which was similar to a blazing fire, flames came out to all sides. Jesus opened his garment, revealing his heart, which was the source of these flames, and they were so hot that I was afraid that they would devour me and burn me to ashes. " It is very significant what the Savior wanted to introduce to Saint Margaret Mary, was the boundless, immeasurable power of his love.

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque says: "My Lord showed me his heart as a bonfire of love and said:" This is the divine stream of my love in which you are to be purified. Later I will make you find here enlightenment and finally union with Me.  Jesus said, "When your heart is destroyed in these flames of pure love, then you will receive a new heart."           

Let us not be deaf to the voice of Jesus who constantly calls to each of us: “Son, daughter, give me your heart." Let's satisfy his desire. Let us give him our hearts and our love. There is nothing more we can offer Him to respond to the love He gives us.


The mysterious force of love is coming out of the Eucharist and cleanses our souls from various vices and helps us become saints.

George Bobowski