I Believe in God - I Believe in ONE GOD | Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene.
I Believe in God - I Believe in ONE GOD
After the homily, we say (or sing) the Profession of Faith, also known as the Symbol of Faith, the Apostles’ Creed, the Symbol of the Apostles or Creed (from the first word of the Latin text – Credo - "I believe"). The prayer analyzed here is a short collection of basic truths of faith in which every participant of the Holy Mass believes. Placing the words of the Creed at this point in the liturgy of the Mass allows for the public confession of faith, as a consequence of the readings from the Holy Scriptures that we heard.
This is one of the most important texts of Christianity. It was created, according to a beautiful tradition, on the day when the Apostles, after Pentecost, spread throughout the world to proclaim the Good News, following the command of the Lord Jesus. Then each of them pronounced one article of faith - their collection, i.e. twelve sentences, this is our Apostolic Constitution. Today we know that the process of creating the Creed was much more complicated, but this does not prevent us from continuing to consider it as the foundation of our religious life.
There are several forms of the Creed. The most famous and practiced are two texts: The Apostles’ Symbol and the Nicene-Constantinople Symbol. The Apostles Creed, popularly referred to as the "short Creed", is an ancient profession of faith practiced in administering the sacrament of baptism. It originally took the form of a dialogue between those who give baptism and those who receive it. The person who was baptized confessed his/her faith by being asked three questions. for example, the first question of the celebrant is: "Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth?". This celebration scheme for expressing one's faith is still preserved in the baptismal rite. This Apostolic Creed was considered the oldest and shortest Roman catechism, handed down precisely through the teachings of the Apostles.
In today's liturgy, the Apostles’ Creed is usually said at Holy Mass with the participation of children. Compared to the concise baptismal questions, the current text of the Mass has been slightly expanded. It begins with the words: "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth," etc. The abbreviated text of the Apostolic Symbol in the form of three questions can be found during the mass liturgy of the Easter Vigil (that is, on the eve of the Lord's Resurrection). During the rite known as "the renewal of baptismal vows", the celebrant asks us questions related to the contents of the Apostles' Creed.
The most common and well-known form of confession of faith is the Nicene-Constantinople Creed. It begins with the words "I believe in one God ...". This text refers to the definition of the basic truths of faith, defined by the first two councils in the history of the Church - in Nicaea in 325 and in Constantinople in AD 381. In view of the erroneous religious statements encountered at that time in some circles, it was necessary to define the shortest correct set of basic truths of faith. Therefore, from the fourth century on, in the Holy Mass on Sundays and solemn days, we repeat the praise to the Triune God. This public proclamation of our faith is always a personal response to the word of God heard in the Mass readings, and also prepares the liturgical assembly for focused and worthy participation in the Eucharistic part of the Holy Mass. Reciting the words of the Creed reminds us of the need to come to the Mass as a believer.
Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene
The Evangelist Mark wrote about Mary Magdalene that Jesus had cast out seven evil spirits from her. In other words, he restored her freedom and human dignity, he led her out of the humiliation she was in as a result of her sinful life.
Thanks to the Lord Jesus, Mary Magdalene regained respect for herself, found meaning for her life, and returned to the path of God's commandments. Therefore, she had deep gratitude to the Master from Nazareth in her heart.
On Good Friday, however, even her faith collapsed. Yes, she was one of the few friends of Jesus who did not forsake him and persevered under the cross. She could not accept that someone so extraordinarily good and just had been so badly hurt. But her faith in Jesus collapsed in her. This is evident from her behavior at his tomb. The feeling that a terrible injustice has happened, and crying about it, mark the whole horizon of her attitude at that time.
Yes, her heart is pure. If she were not pure in heart, she would not be able to see angels. However, the thought that Jesus might be resurrected does not even appear as a dream in her. This thought did not reach her even when the risen Jesus personally stood before her. Immersed in her weeping, she does not recognize Jesus. She only recognized him when Jesus calls her by name.
Jesus' "Mary!" changed her life completely. It was a big breakthrough in her life. In one moment, she understood everything. Well, it is worth knowing that God loves each of us separately, that Jesus would like to call each of us by name. As long as my heart is pure, I will hear Jesus speak to me and I will know that it is the voice of love.
Finally, notice that Jesus tells Mary Magdalene to go to his disciples. Because the news of the resurrection must be carried on. The joy that Christ is truly risen must be shared with others.
It was St. John Paul II who dedicated great attention not only to the importance of women in the very mission of Christ and the Church, but also, and with special emphasis, to the peculiar function of St. Mary Magdalene as the first witness of the Risen Christ and the first messenger who announced to the apostles the resurrection of the Lord. St. Mary Magdalene is an example of true and authentic evangelization, that is, an evangelizer who proclaims the joyful central message of Easter. She is the Apostle of the Apostles
Until Tomorrow
fr. george