Heart of every holy mass - Part 2
As I mentioned, our Roman Missal contains several Eucharistic Prayers.
The numerous Prefaces with which the Roman Missal is endowed have as their purpose to bring out more fully the motives for thanksgiving within the Eucharistic Prayer and to set out more clearly the different facets of the mystery of salvation.
The first, The Roman Canon was used in the Church as the only one for over sixteen hundred years. This text faithfully perpetuated the tradition of the post-apostolic, ancient, praying Church. After the Second Vatican Council, the Holy See gradually prepared the next texts of the Eucharistic Prayers, reaching both to the ancient tradition and the liturgical wealth of the Eastern Churches, as well as editing new texts, of course based on the biblical message. Below, in a synthetic way, I will list them one by one.
The Second Eucharistic Prayer, most often recited today, was known already at the beginning of the 3rd century. However, it was not until the Second Vatican Council that it was reverted to use in the Holy Mass. It uses a sparse, condensed Roman style. However, there is a wealth of content in the short sentences. From recalling God's holiness, it leads us to emphasize that all salvation is accomplished for us and that the causative power of this work was the free sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection are, as the prayer says, "the bread of life and the cup of salvation."
The Third Eucharistic Prayer begins with the words: " You are indeed Holy, O Lord, and all you have created rightly gives you praise,". In this Prayer, we find admiration for the created world and grateful admiration for God the Creator, whom "every creature rightly glorifies."
The fourth Eucharistic Prayer contains a general reminder of the entire history of salvation. These are similar to those in the Creed, so we do not use this Prayer on Sundays and solemnities so as not to repeat the same truths of faith. It draws abundantly from the spirituality of the Eastern Church. In it we hear that the whole Church is a sacrament and shares with Christ in his death, passion and resurrection.
The Fifth Eucharistic Prayer, with its own quadruple preface and intercessory prayers, recalls in turn that God guides his Church, that Jesus is our path, that he is a model of love, and that the path that the Church follows must lead to the unity of all Christians.
Commentary on Today Gospel (Mt: 13:44-52)
The parable of the hidden treasure shows that a man would not buy this treasure even with all his property. He was only lucky to find this treasure hidden in a field and he can buy this field with all his fortune. Note: this man is not taking any risks. He just recognized what was really paying off for him.
What is this treasure that cannot be bought? which even a billionaire cannot buy? It's love. As the bride in the Song of Songs says: "Were one to offer all he owns to purchase love, he would be roundly mocked." (8: 7). To win love, you have to give yourself and all of yourself. Everything you have is not enough to buy it. But when we finally establish ourselves in God's love, it will mean that we have gained eternal life.
This was not understood by the rich young man to whom the Lord Jesus suggested: “Sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Mt 19:21). The Lord Jesus shows him a hidden treasure, offers him a transaction that the world has not seen before: in exchange for transient and finite riches, he can receive infinite value, eternal life, and he does not understand at all how great happiness was offered to him.
You must give God everything, all of yourself. When a person does so, he quickly learns that even on this earth he is getting more than he had before. Once Peter at a time when he had little understanding of God's things - asked the Lord Jesus: " We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?” (Mt 19:27). The Lord Jesus replied to him: "And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life." (Mt 19:29)
Until Tomorrow
fr. george