Reflection on Today’s Gospel - Lk 8:19-21
" My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it."
We must constantly become aware of this incomprehensible mystery that the True God, the Only Begotten Son of the Eternal Father, the Infinite God, became a concrete man. He did not become a man at all, but a specific person - who was born in a specific historical time, in a specific country, in a specific nation, in a specific family. The fact that one of us, Mary, was the only one of billions of women to be His mother - somehow, we got used to it.
But it is also worth realizing that when the Son of God assumed human nature and became a concrete man, various particular people were His aunts and uncles, other specific people were His cousins. For when the Son of God took human nature, He entered human life in all its concreteness.
Some of us may feel jealous: how much I wish to be a cousin of the Lord Jesus, even in the fourth or fifth degree! Well, today's Gospel responds to the feeling of this holy jealousy: "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and fulfill it." Each of us can become a brother or sister of the Lord Jesus - if we only listen to the word of God every day and try to fulfill it.
Let us note: The Lord Jesus did not say: every man is my brother and sister. He said: my brother and sister is this man who does the will of my Father. For if someone does not care about God's will and keeps God's commandments only when it is convenient for him - such a person, even if he is baptized and considers himself a Christian, " have the reputation of being alive, but are dead." (cf. Rev 3: 1).
Moreover, we can even participate in God's motherhood, that is, in what Mary is absolutely one and unique. Namely, you and me and millions of others can become like the mother of the Son of God - if we not only listen to the word of God and try to fulfill it, but also if we contribute to the fact that He is born in the souls of more and more new people. In short, today's Gospel gives us a deep insight into the mystery of the Incarnation. When the Son of God became man, He entered a concrete human situation, and a small, specific group of people were His relatives. But this is why the Son of God became man, so that millions of people would become His brothers and sisters, partakers of God's family.
And starting from this word of the Lord Jesus, the Fathers of the Church spoke about the motherhood of the Church and about the difference between immature and mature faith. Everyone who does God's will is a brother or sister of the Lord Jesus, but not everyone is His mother. Christ's mother are only those who really contribute to the fact that He is born in the souls of more and more new people.
At the same time, the phrases in which the Apostles claim their participation in the Church's motherhood were extracted from the apostolic letters. " My children, for whom I am again in labor until Christ be formed in you" (Gal 4:19).
And elsewhere the Apostle writes: " Rather, we were gentle* among you, as a nursing mother cares for her children." (1 Thess 2:7). And as mommy tries to adapt to the level of those who are infants in the Church: " I fed you milk, not solid food, because you were unable to take it." (1 Cor 3:2).
So, let today's Gospel lead us to ask ourselves two questions: Can Christ say that I am his brother or sister? And am I already taking part in the motherhood of the Church? Do I try to contribute to the fact that Christ the Lord is also born in other people?
Please take note
Jesus' mother and brothers. Jesus does not deny the value of blood ties or other obligations connecting people (e.g. marriage, family). However, he points out that what permanently connects people in the kingdom of God, there is faith that comes from hearing the word of God. Shaped this way God's family never passes away, but it lasts forever. Mary belongs to a real family of Jesus because she believed the word of God, accepted it, pondered it in her heart and fulfilled it. This makes her especially privileged among all of Jesus' disciples for whom she becomes guide in faith.
Brothers - Jews used the word brother to describe siblings and relatives. This is about relatives of Jesus
Until Tomorrow
fr. george