
Time of Mercy Blog


Reflection on Today’s Gospel – Lk 9:18-22


This happened throughout Jesus' earthly life, and it is happening today when he is working through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is the voice that people talk about, but for many he is a mystery. Some compare him to John the Baptist’s preaching, others said that he acts with such a power as the great prophet Elijah. Jesus, however, is not interested in conversations about himself, and even more so, all the rumors do not play a key role. What intrigues the Master and what is necessary is the answer to the question - And who do you think I am? With this question Jesus asks all people, every time - who do you think I am? Who I am for you?

With patience, Jesus takes note of all answers, does not comment on them, smiles, or accepts them. Instead, he asks the apostles: but who do you think I am? Almost as if a touch of silence. Did this embarrass them? What should they say? Is the opinion of people also their opinion? Will they join the rest? Do they share their opinion? Then Peter breaks the paralyzing silence. He becomes the spokesman for the apostles: "We consider you the Messiah." The fact that they saw Jesus' mission clearly is evident in Jesus' commandment: not to tell anyone about it.

But what does it mean to the apostles that Jesus is the Messiah? All ideas that are linked to the expectation of the Messiah among the Jewish people are awakened in their minds. They look forward to the establishment of a messianic kingdom in which they will occupy key positions. The first thing to do is get the Romans out of the state. Anyone who worked with the Romans would be held accountable. There will be tax justice.

While they still dream of a messianic future, they are very brutally brought to reality by Jesus, the Son of Man has to suffer much: he will be rejected by the elders, high priests and scribes; he will be killed and on the third day he will rise again. Instead of ministerial positions, Jesus offers them a perspective: if anyone wants to come after me, let him renounce himself, take up his cross and follow me. The cross not only accompanied Jesus, but it has become part of the disciples’ life. Not everyone was ready to understand this path, and one denied him, the other failed completely and betrayed him. Only the Beloved Disciple, John, who watched the Master's suffering on the cross, died in old age of natural causes.

To believe in Christ is not to participate in the propaganda of success, but to put yourself on the horizon of God's history. This story has a cross in which light we want to judge our intentions and plans. Everything can be left under the cross.

Why Christ?

No argument can compel anyone to believe in Jesus, true God and Man. It is also really difficult to convince someone that in Jesus Christ he can find the One he is looking for. Therefore, believers often feel embarrassed when they are unable to justify their faith when talking to non-believers. Maybe they even feel guilty for not proving the Christian truth to someone. In such situations - in this time that happens more and more often - it is worth trying to simply tell about our closeness to God, about the hope placed in Christ, about our life shaped by the Gospel. This can prove to be an effective way of proclaiming Jesus Christ, the true and only Savior.

One more thought. Let us ask Jesus: Who do You, Lord, say that I am?

Who do you think I am? the enemy? a friend? a man? Someone you can rely on? Or maybe a necessary evil in a not necessarily favorable situation? Who do you think I am, you who pass me by today at the end of the day?

Who am I for Him, for you, for myself? These questions are important and it is very difficult to answer them.

Sometimes it seems to us that we will overcome the biggest mountains and nothing can break us. And sometimes again the eye of a sinister situation blinks its heavy eyelid and the world seems that is bad only to us and we notice only evil. Who do You, Lord, think I am? When I pray in word or in deed, am I close to You? Are You with me when I fall under the rubble of events? Who do I consider myself to be?

Our view of ourselves and others is shaky. In fact, we cannot judge and we should not judge. Nor should we compare ourselves to others because it does not lead to anything good. We should compare ourselves to the Word. This is the only pattern on which we can rely with all our strength of existence.

Who am I? Rumors carry the news of someone, that I am not, and by no means I do not feel like that. It is appearances. It is just that I do not want to pretend. Who do I want to be? The answer is simple. I want to be a human with the name of His disciple. But what is the reality?  Is it possible to objectively evaluate ourselves?

And who ... do I consider You Lord? Who do I consider other people to be?

And what ... you Lord think about me? Who do You, Lord, say that I am? 

“He asked them, Who do you think I am?”

Christ asked.

Who am I for you?

The wife will ask, the husband will ask.

Will ask to set up certain relations.

Do you love Me?

A child will ask from the bottom of his heart

Will ask to make sure her/his position in the family.

Who am I?

The man asks himself.

He asks not to forget what belongs to him.

There is God.

There are people in our lives.

There are those I have to ask and answer every day.

To ask and answer anew so as not to lose them and ourselves.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski