
Time of Mercy Blog


By what authority are you doing these things? - Mt 21:23-27

God at the hearing

Jesus does not answer the questions of people who are not sincerely seeking the truth. These chief priests and elders wanted to question Jesus, not listen. Faith comes from listening, not hearing. Faith is a grace given to those who sincerely seek the truth and are open to it. And only the ability to accept faith causes God to answer our questions and explain everything. We do not need strong faith to hear God's answers. It is enough that we are ready for it.

When God speaks to you, do not expect him to prove himself to you or to refer to something external. The most important argument is the power of his word that penetrates to the core of your bones, to the depths of your heart. When He speaks, you have no doubt that it is Him. Pharisees do not accept the words of Jesus with their heart. Therefore, they ask for authority or laws that would give power to the words of the Master of Nazareth. How is it with us? Do we listen to God with our heart, trust and faith? Or do we have a feeling that we do not like what He says, and are we trying to find some external argument that would validate His teaching that we would have rejected anyway?

If you have doubts whether the voice of Jesus in your heart really belongs to Him, look at the Gospel, look at the teaching of the Church, at Tradition. Jesus' voice never contradicts the teaching of the Church. This voice exudes peace, joy and encouragement to convert. He addresses you directly. You do not have to think up, like the Pharisees, to wonder what to do with it: accept it or not. Jesus' words require a simple heart. Pray for a simple heart for yourself and for your loved ones.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski