
Time of Mercy Blog


Faith and doubt (Lk 7:18b-23)

" Blessed is the one who takes no offense at me" Jesus says today to us. We know that the opposite of doubt is faith. It is faith that gives meaning to life: faith indicates the goal and ways to achieve it. It also points out the pitfalls of the evil spirit. According to Jesus, true happiness is the opposite of happiness as understood by the world. The world sees them primarily in the satisfaction of the senses. Jesus speaks of happiness (being blessed) in the context of faith, that is, a mature relationship with God.

Here, I would like to invoke definitions of healthy spirituality. It is a relation of friendship to God, other people and oneself. We know it is not easy. That somewhere in us there is a doubt about the sense of the value of a relationship, we get discouraged, we fall, tired of contacts with others, looking for respite and consolation in things. Sometimes we turn against ourselves: "You are useless, you are of no use." The most important thing is not to give up, to be able to see signs of hope when looking at God, other people and yourself.

Today Jesus points to them: " The blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the good news proclaimed to them." Perhaps you experience doubt also in the context of scandals that affect the community of the Church, in the context of neglect, sins, bad structures, lack of tenderness or humanity. See that this is a fight for your faith, for your happiness. Today Jesus is telling you to see the good around you and in yourself despite everything. St. Ignatius of Loyola tells us that gratitude to God is one of the most important attitudes of a Christian. If we lose it, we will become discouraged and the evil spirit will have access to us.

If you feel discouraged, lost or doubtful, try to see signs of hope in the world around you: see the hard work of those who fight for health, the effort of people who serve others in various places, remember the last time a stranger smiled to you and when you did it! There is much good in this world. All you need is a moment of pause and reflection to remind yourself of it. And also, to remind yourself that you yourself can give them to others. Or maybe you just lack good thinking about yourself. Yes! Just thinking good about yourself because that is what God thinks about you.

In Isaiah we read:” I am the LORD, there is no other; I form the light, and create the darkness.” Faith is a living experience of God in action. However, this action must be seen. The biggest obstacle is the blindness that arises from the belief that everything that is happening is because it is supposed to happen (meant to be). When we can see grace in life, we actually see God Himself in His action. The difficulty is usually that his grace works differently than we imagine it.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski