
Time of Mercy Blog


Holy Wednesday - Fourth Day of Creation


Holy Wednesday is a time of calculation and the valuation of friendship. Jesus was valuated and handed over for 30 pieces of silver ... It is very little to pay for the betrayal of a Friend, Master and God. Taking into account those times, it is the equivalent of a cow or compensation for the death of a slave during work. Little payment for the amount of evil that is taking place because of this money. Was it the blind lust of money that lost the apostle?

Now, when Judas is wandering into darkness, it is not mainly about the wages. He probably has other reasons, unknown to us, to betray Jesus. This is a secret sealed by suicide death. The reasons for "selling" the Master must be so strong that Judas is not trying to counter them. The apostles address Jesus with the word LORD. The Iscariot still titles Him as in the first meetings simply: RABBI - Teacher ... After years of walking with Jesus, the apostle has not yet reached the point of recognizing Jesus as Lord.

He is only a Teacher, one of many at this time. Moreover, Judas has no deeper relationship with Jesus. So, it is easy to hand him over. The reflection that he kills an innocent man comes too late. He finds it too late.

Sadly, Jesus announces to his disciples that one of them will betray him. Soon he will celebrate the Passover with his disciples, remembering the release of the sons of Israel from Egypt, a man from the slavery of sin. That is why he is trying to the end to help Judas choose the path of light and freedom. But unsuccessfully... Judas chooses darkness, slavery and betrayal ... Now it turns out that the interior of the desperate apostle is empty. In his heart there is no place for God, for another person, and ultimately for himself (he takes his own life).

He goes to the Pharisees and asks what they want to give him, and he will hand over Jesus to them. It sounds like he wants to say: "Jesus is of no value to me, I have nothing after years of following Him, He is nobody to me, what do you want to give me?" He is looking for something that will fill this emptiness, still not realizing that it can only be filled by God, whom he had so close, who chose him and trusted him ...

The Sanhedrin, gathered in a secret session, decides at all costs to get rid of the inconvenient Stranger. For the purity of faith, they quickly want to eliminate the uncomfortable "element" that destroys their edifice of sacred habits. The darkness is getting darker and darker. Many things happen in secret, behind your back, in hiding. This is how Satan works.

Friendship is valued ... But the Light in the darkening darkness gains even greater brilliance.

On the fourth day, God creates the celestial bodies, planets, and stars. It separate day from night, light from darkness. It enlightens and rule time. Its beauty can be seen in the sky every day. It remains silent and fulfill its duties, but with silence and "obedient diligence" it speaks of the Creator's beauty, confessing Him as Lord.

And so, it was evening and morning - the fourth day.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski