
Time of Mercy Blog


If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you

If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you

Jesus is not saying this to scare us, but to prepare us

Two kinds of persecution are announced by the Lord Jesus in today's Gospel to His disciples. First, they will " expel you from the synagogues". In other words, they will throw you out of your natural environments, exclude you from the group of people worthy of respect, and branded you as plagued. Even today, if a Muslim believes in Christ and is baptized, he sometimes faces death. In India, the adoption of Christianity by a member of the Hindu community results in exclusion from the family and deprivation of the right to inheritance. In our seemingly liberal America, a Christian who does not accept the secular dogmas that divorce is the easiest way to resolve marital conflicts or whether abortion or euthanasia has nothing to do with murder, exposes himself to mockery and stigmatization as a fanatic.

The words that the Lord Jesus spoke about the second type of persecution against His disciples are also strangely true: " the hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he is offering worship to God". In so many countries and in so many systems, Christians have been persecuted, and it has always been considered an act of justice. In the Roman Empire, Christians were officially called enemies of mankind, and were persecuted because they feared that by refusing to offer sacrifices to state-recognized gods, these gods were angry. The persecution of Christians did not end with the edict of Constantine the Great, but continues to this day, often on a larger scale than in antiquity. We are witnessing a revival of Christianity in many parts of the world, which seem to be often reserved for other religions, which inevitably involves persecution. Currently, it is estimated that 100 million Christians are the target of various types of persecution around the world. Do we Christians of civilized America, more and more free and more comfortable, remember their great testimonies? Are we able to give our witness of fidelity to the Gospel in small everyday gestures?

But let us just look at 20th and 21st century, in which millions of Christians have been killed and persecuted. All persecution was preached and carried out in the name of justice. In the Soviet Union, pre-war Mexico and Red Spain, Christians were killed in the name of a god called revolution and progress. In Nazi Germany, disciples of Christ were killed in the name of a god called the thousand-year- Germany empire.

Whoever does not deny the Lord Jesus, even in the face of persecution, thus testifies to Him that to remain in Him is something more important than even the greatest temporal value. Let us not forget, however, that the Lord Jesus told us not only these words: " If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you." He immediately added, " If they kept my word, they will also keep yours."

Jesus is a realist. The proposal he has for us is not just a pleasant prospect. Living his Gospel brings peace but is also a life aware of the challenges and problems that may arise. Jesus does not hide it; he does not cheat us. Jesus is not saying this to scare us, but to prepare us. It can be different in our life if we dare to follow Him. But the most important thing is that whatever happens, we will not be alone.

The Holy Spirit will be with us constantly. Do we agree to a life with many unknowns, and at the same time the certainty that we will not be left alone in what will happen to us?

Christ speaks of hardships, but also informs that it will have its own specific time. This hardship will not be permanent. Take a moment to consider what spiritual condition you are living in right now. Perhaps you are comfortable with Jesus, or maybe something is pushing you away from him? The spiritual life is about constantly examining your heart. Prayer without looking inside is like rowing in all directions.

Human life is a struggle, but challenges help us grow and can set us free. Let us agree to live with Christ, to what he brings. Let us ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Today, I am leaving to Europe. Please pray for me

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski