
Time of Mercy Blog


So let us have the courage ... Because He has conquered ... He has conquered the world.

"We believe that you came from God". The disciples professed their faith in Jesus but did not realize how weak and immature their faith was. That same evening, they were to run away from Jesus and be scattered. So we Christians lets remind ourselves again and again that faith draws its strength from God's grace and not from the intensity of our convictions. As the Apostle Paul wrote, "We hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us." (cf. 2 Cor 4:7)

“Each of you will be scattered to his own home - Jesus replies to his disciples on their profession of faith - and you will leave me alone”. Unfortunately, this happened not only on Good Friday. In every generation of the Christian age some followers of Christ leave Him, and some do not return to Him anymore. In the Letter to the Hebrews (6: 6) we read that in this way the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus continues. It is only worth remembering that when someone has lost their way to the source, the source loses nothing, but the one who gets lost may die.

“You will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me". It is bad for a man to be alone. God made us so that we need each other. Especially when some disease, failure or someone's unkindness befalls us, we need the presence of a loved one just like we need air. Well, the Lord Jesus was the first to show us that for a man who holds tightly to God, there is no radical loneliness. Because God is always with us.

After his resurrection, the Lord Jesus commented on this promise: “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age ". (cf. Mt 28:20). Take courage, I have conquered the world, he says in today's Gospel. However, this victory has its specificity. It is accomplished not in a fight with the world, but in a fight for yourself. As the Evangelist John wrote, there are three domains in which the world can rule over us: sensual lust, enticement for the eyes, and a pretentious life (cf. 1 John 2:16). It is in these three areas that our victory over the world should be achieved. “And the victory that conquers the world - concludes the Evangelist John - is our faith” (cf. 1Jn 5: 4).

One more thought

I have conquered the world - Jesus tells us. He has overcome everything connected with the world. And we are often scared by what the world offers us today. Sometimes we are afraid to turn on the TV. From the blue screen, the anxieties of this world strike us. But Jesus says to us: I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. He tells us, he preaches his truths, that we may have peace, peace in Him. He is the giver of peace, true peace. One that overcomes all the anxieties, the anxieties that the world can offer us. You will experience tribulation in the world, but have courage: I have conquered the world. Jesus does not say: the world will be fine for you. He does not offer an idyllic life.

He does not guarantee continued recognition from "this world." He says clearly and emphatically: In the world you will experience tribulation. And we often break down so easily because failures come, because people turn away, because the people around us do not understand us. Why do we not look at it in the context of the Word of God? After all, Jesus says openly: In the world you will experience tribulation. “The hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone”. Jesus experienced all that we also experience. The scattering of friends, loneliness, abandonment. But He has conquered it all ... He says: I have conquered the world. Therefore, let us remember that our experiences of tribulation should not be a cause of fear because we have Jesus on our side, who says: have courage.

So let us have the courage ... Because He has conquered ... He has conquered the world.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski