Prayer and requests for disciples (Jn 17: 6-19)
Today we continue to participate in Jesus' conversation with the Father. We are still in this wonderful space of the Father-Son relationship. In love without limits, perfect in its beauty, in its power and infinity. Jesus tells the Father that He has revealed His name to people. Did they not know the name of God who led them, gave them the commandments and saved them from oppression many times? Theoretically they knew. But in practice - no. We said yesterday that to know is to experience, change, take to the heart and respond to LOVE. Then acknowledge takes place.
Let's look at the saints. They acknowledge Love. We know it from their attitude in life. Already here on earth they lived with love transformed into Jesus. Not all of them were educated in theology. They are not called theologians, but they are called those who loved. It is said: pure in heart. It is said: completely dedicated to God. Knowledge and education have nothing to do with it, although there are such people among the saints. Let us return to the Gospel that we consider today. Jesus revealed the name of the Father to people. So what is his name, since so many generations of the chosen people do not know him? How it's possible? Jesus came to earth to show people the truth about God. To introduce someone is to give a name. God's name is LOVE.
With his whole earthly life, Jesus reveals LOVE. He came to show the true face of the Father. To change the distorted image the Israelites had. He does this from the moment of conception. Already in the Annunciation, we can see God's face full of love. In the life of Mary, so closely related to the life of Jesus, we see the LOVE of God. In Jesus, who, in the womb of his mother, gives the Holy Spirit to John - the son of Elizabeth. Also in the womb of Jesus’ mother - we see a revelation of LOVE. This revelation, which each day brightens the whole earth more and more, reaches its apogee on the Cross. In Jesus, God's name is revealed - LOVE. The Israelites gave God different names. There was also a view of the God-man relationship as the relationship of the bridegroom. Even so, the Jews usually did not have such a close and tide relationship with God. They placed emphasis on obeying and being accountable for many of the Laws. There was no real love in it. It was more like settling accounts with the tax office.
Jesus restores for people the true image of God. He reveals it to those whom the Father of the world has given him. They belonged to God. They were entrusted to the Son to restore their sonship to God the Father. Jesus gave them the Word of Love that they accepted. They believed in Jesus - the Son of God. They believed that God sent him. They believed His Word, His deeds, His life. The fullness will come afterward. When they experience the Cross - they will believe fully and truly. It is on the Cross that they will see LOVE clearly and unambiguously. Then they will truly know God's name. This will be done through not only Jesus suffering, but also by the suffering of His disciples. That is why Jesus intercedes for them so that the Father would strengthen them in LOVE. That he would keep them in his name - in LOVE. As long as Jesus was on earth, He surrounded them with LOVE, which they felt, experienced, seen. It was a human, sensual experience. The time is coming that this understanding and experience of LOVE will go deep into the depths of the soul. To look at Love not with the eyes of the body, but with the eyes of the spirit. Only then they will understand its essence. Through this experience of being with Jesus, by daily acceptance of His word, the disciples gave glory to God and to the Son. Jesus lived more and more in them. Thus, his glory was revealed more and more in them. He, being one with the Father, glorified in them, gives this glory to the Father. Jesus understands what LOVE is because He is God, because He is LOVE. He wants the same relationship of LOVE, which he experiences in the Father for his disciples. He is one with the Father in this LOVE. Therefore, and for his disciples, he wants this unity in LOVE. So he asks for because he leaves the world and they will stay. They will be exposed to the attacks of the world. They need strength, help, to remain in the teaching of Jesus. They are sent as the Son was sent. This is amazing! In a way, they continue to carry the mission of the Son. In order for this to happen, however, Jesus sacrifices himself for them. Not only they are included in the infinite dimension of this salvific work, but also, they can fully and truly participate in it. Jesus becomes a Victim in this work for them.
Important words are said today. Today we are immersed in the Father-Son relationship, in the perfect, full and only true LOVE. Jesus prays for us so that we, like the disciples, may abide in God, in His name, in LOVE. May we become one as the Father and the Son are One. That the whole Church may reflect this unity of the Holy Trinity. Because that's what we were called to do. In this way, by doing God's will, we give Him glory. This glory is revealed in us. Let us pray that the Word of Jesus may be truly in us; that God's name may be revealed in us; that people see in us the true face of God. Let us be filled with God's joy as a consequence of truly knowing God.
Until Tomorrow
fr. george