
Time of Mercy Blog


Don't worry too much.

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Very often I look at the world, at the people around and it is difficult for me to see their actual facial expressions, their goals, dreams ... I wonder why they are rushing, where are they running and what really constitutes the essence and meaning of their existence? Do they sometimes, living in such a hurry, in constant pursuit of a career, money, do they not want to run away from life, from what is really valuable in them and what is the essence of their existence? My heart is overcome with sadness when I see how people keep their minds occupied only with matters of clothes, food, money, career, treating work as a goal to have and possess as much as possible. Jesus in today's Gospel clearly says not to serve God and mammon, and then emphasizes not to worry about tomorrow, not to put earthly matters over divine matters, not to deal with unimportant matters, and at the same time to hide behind lust, greed and hoarding treasures.

The teacher wants to tell us that there is only one source for all we have - that is God. Regardless of whether we work in our own company or sign contracts with our employers, God pays us money, because He is the donor. He knows how much we need and it is He who gives us all the necessary resources, health, talents, predispositions and everything else so that we can earn this money. If we recognize God as the source of everything, including money, we do not have to worry about anything anymore, because He will control everything, because He has promised to care for us. Jesus, through such teachings, because he loves us, wants to protect us from the frustration of shrinking or completely losing material things. He wants us not to focus too much on accumulating these goods, that we will not clog our hearts with them in such a way that there will be no room for Him anymore. We need to focus more on gathering up treasures in Heaven so that we can obtain the key to God's Kingdom. How to do it?

The teacher wants us to get rid of our life in constant fear and try to combine work with faith - faith, first of all, in God's infinite goodness. Our actions should always strive for higher values, we should wish to unite ourselves with God already here on earth, focus on giving, in serving, in being for others, in forgetting about ourselves, always keeping in mind the other person and acting justly. The Bible teaches that sharing your wealth results in something amazing! God not only blesses us beyond measure, but also supernaturally cares for us, our families and loved ones. And this is only because, instead of amassing wealth for ourselves, we give it back to God, we give a gift to the Church and support the needy in the Church and beyond.

Practicing abundant giving usually requires to change many things in our life, adopt new priorities, and sometimes forgo some of your current expenses. It requires love, but also faith, courage and fidelity. But the reasons for doing so are overwhelming! First, that is what God says, who is the source of all we have. Second, it heals us spiritually, frees us from bondage, and makes us grow. And third, God has the power to bless us materially in a way that we have not known before.

We just need to entrust our whole life to God, to entrust our lives every day and with trust, faith and humility to see the needs of our neighbors and never to refuse help. And then, as we read in the letter to the Corinthians, "God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work" (cf. 2 Cor 9:8). Therefore, let us not worry too much about tomorrow, because tomorrow will take care of itself ...

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski