
Time of Mercy Blog


Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene - Apostle of the Apostles

Popular tradition called Mary Magdalene to be a harlot whose sins were forgiven by Jesus. However, none of the Gospels confirms this identification. Bible scholars emphasize that St. Mary Magdalene cannot be equated with the harlot who anointed Jesus' feet in the house of Simon the Pharisee. We only know from the Evangelists' references that Mary is listed first among women following the Master of Nazareth and that she was freed from the seven evil spirits. The number seven suggests that her confusion (possession? Disease?) was very serious. We do not know exactly what it was like with Mary of Magdala, but the fact is that Christ healed women of bad? Bad morals reputation. So maybe this tradition is not very far from the truth. In any case, it reflects the essence of the Gospel: God's grace transforms even the greatest sinners into saints.

Magdalene was the first person to meet the Lord after his resurrection. At first, she took him for a gardener. Tearful, depressed with sadness, she does not understand what is happening. The moment of awakening is only when she hears Jesus calling her by name: "Mary!" "Rabbuni!" - She replies. The word means "teacher," but it has a strong emotional tinge. It sounds like "my dear teacher." Isn't that what our relationship to God is all about -loving and recognizing Him as a teacher of life? Mary's tears are disappearing, there is an explosion of love. Jesus utters the mysterious words, "Do not hold me back." Yes, it is impossible for moments of ecstasy to last forever, it is impossible to live on the highest emotions. "Go to my brothers" - we have to come back to the community, even if it does not always understand us and sometimes ignores our tears. After all, Peter and John had left the weeping Mary alone by the empty tomb.

John the Evangelist is the only one who clearly speaks about the fulfillment of the mission: Mary Magdalene comes and tells the disciples that she has seen the Lord and he told her this (cf. Jn 20:18). The text captures her words in the first person: " “I have seen the Lord,” and what he told me. Only in John's Gospel does Mary speak with her voice! "I saw the Lord" - this is most probably one of the first short formulas of confessing the Easter faith, faith in Jesus-Kyrios. In this way, Mary of Magdala is again presented as a model of the Lord's disciple - a witness of faith.

The story therefore ends again with the journey of Mary of Magdala. This time, however, it is a different action, because Mary was transformed - meeting with the Risen One changes everything. She is sent to brothers and sisters, that is, to the community to the Church. Although she was alone at the beginning of the story, at the end of the story she goes to the community, to the congregation. She is the one who transmits the testimony of the Risen One, essential for the faith of the apostles and the whole Church, which is why tradition has given her the title of "Apostle of the Apostles", this how Mary Magdalene is worshiped to this day in the Eastern Church and now also in Western Church.

Mary represent each of us. Like her, we run blindly in all directions, each one alone with a sense of emptiness; crying and complaining; looking for the death of Jesus who lived two thousand years ago. She is looking for Jesus, but He finds her and calls her by name. Likewise, each of us wants to be found and called by name. Mary Magdalene is where every disciple of Jesus should be: at the foot of the cross and in the morning light of the resurrection. She reminds us of how great the power of God’s love is and how beautiful is the one who surrenders to this love. Never mind the biographical details. Love matters.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski