
Time of Mercy Blog


Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest

"Calvary is the Hill of the Saints"

Francesco Forgione was born on May 25, 1887, in Pietrelcina in the Diocese of Benevento. On January 6, 1903, at the age of 15, he entered the novitiate of the Capuchin friars at Morcone. On January 22, he took the Franciscan habit and the name of Fra (Friar) Pio, in honor of Pope Pius I, whose relic is preserved in the Santa Anna Chapel in Pietrelcina. He took the simple vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. He was ordained priest on August 10, 1910, in the Cathedral of Benevento. On July 28, 1916, he arrived at the convent in San Giovanni Rotondo, where he stayed, with short breaks, until his death, that is, until September 23, 1968. On Friday, September 20, 1918, in the choir of his church, he received the stigmata that were open and bleeding wounds for half a century. He organized "Prayer Groups" and contributed to the establishment of a modern hospital, which he called "The House of Suffering Relief". Pope John Paul II on May 2, 1999, made him blessed, and on June 16, 2002, he canonized him.

Following the example of the Franciscan school, Saint Padre Pio gave a beautiful testimony of his love for the Lord's Passion and for the Eucharist, of which he was a faithful and humble servant. He became famous as a persistent spiritual director. Through his persistent ministry in the confessional, God has shown the greatness of his works of mercy to the modern world.

Padre Pio was called "a man of the cross and resurrection, a stigmatic and an apostle of the confessional". Although he spent almost his entire life in the convent of San Giovanni Rotondo, he became one of the most famous figures of the last century. For many years, San Giovanni Rotondo was visited by crowds of people, not always believers, who wanted to confess to this extraordinary priest, to talk, to hear the words of spiritual consolation.

The mystery of the sanctity of Padre Pio's life was given by John Paul II during his beatification on May 2, 1999: "Those who went to San Giovanni Rotondo to attend his Mass, to seek his counsel or to confess to him, saw in him a living image of Christ suffering and risen. The face of Padre Pio reflected the light of the Resurrection. His body, marked by the “stigmata”, showed forth the intimate bond between death and resurrection which characterizes the paschal mystery. Bl. Pio of Pietrelcina shared in the Passion with a special intensity: the unique gifts which were given to him, and the interior and mystical sufferings which accompanied them, allowed him constantly to participate in the Lord's agonies, never wavering in his sense that “Calvary is the hill of the saints”.

During the canonization, on June 16, 2002, John Paul II said: “... Throughout his life, he always sought greater conformity with the Crucified, since he was very conscious of having been called to collaborate in a special way in the work of redemption. His holiness cannot be understood without this constant reference to the Cross. "

Today, more than a half of a century after his death, the influence of St. Padre Pio continues and has, above all, a spiritual dimension - by creating Prayer Groups. The Holy Father John Paul II, while canonizing Padre Pio, did not hide that the glory of holiness was received by a man who was already considered a saint in the days of his earthly life. For he was blessed by God with great charismatic gifts, also helping after his death. It is worth knowing this when we are looking for our Christian path towards holiness. Let our way of life be oriented towards fidelity to grace.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski