
Time of Mercy Blog


The Gospel according to You (Lk 1: 1-4; 4: 14-21)

The Gospel of St. Luke is special. This is because Luke never met Jesus personally. He was not an eyewitness to the signs Jesus was preforming. And ... it did not stop him from writing the Gospel! He is perhaps one of the best examples that one who wants, will find a way. And one who does not want, will look for an excuse. I personally think that it is the same with us: with you and with me. Just like Luke the Evangelist, we too can choose to write the Gospel about Jesus with our own life. With ourdaily intentions, decisions and actions. With our daily choices and lifestyle. The fact that wehave never seen Jesus is not a problem here. Anyway, through Thomas, Jesus says to you and me: "Blessed are those who have not seen but believed!"

And one more thing. Sometimes, when we try to do some good in our lives, the temptation comes: Why do we do it? After all, someone has already cooked dinner, baked a cake, painted a picture, authored a book, after all, someone already runs a blog, someone already has this or that ... Why should we do this? Luke the Evangelist refers to this in today's Gospel: " Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us ...". And yet there is something in our action, in our way of creating that will not be in any other good thing that was done before us. There is ... God Himself in it! It is the evil spirit that tries to discourage us so that the good does not spread. So, we would not act! See, feel how much joy there is in doing good, even when it has already been done by someone else. And there will always be someone waiting for the good that comes from us.

There are four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Four Books about the same story, the story about Jesus. All of them beautiful because they are the Words of God. But the most important is the Fifth One, the Gospel according to You.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski