Maybe he is not sleeping?
Today Gospel shows us the contrasts between the questions of man and God
What is the man asking?
- Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?
- Who then is this whom even the wind and sea obey?
Questions Jesus asks:
- Why are you terrified?
- Do you not yet have faith?
The cyclone is an amazing atmospheric phenomenon. The wind of terrible force rushing around, the closer to the center is stronger, and a surprise is inside. In the very eye of the cyclone there is a deep peace and quiet. So, paradoxically, you can run away from the cyclone by going into a stronger gale. It comes to mind the prayer of Elijah, who was waiting for the Lord. As the phenomena around him grew in strength (fire, earthquake), they announced that the Lord is near, but only when a gentle breeze appeared, Elijah came to meet the Lord.
How difficult it is to survive the accumulating evil. How hard it is to endure seeing sin itself and its growing power. Even the Apostles succumb to temptation and will begin to suspect Jesus of disinterest in their fate. " Don't You care?" - Didn't I feel like shouting the same that He does not care? But inside, in the middle of my darkness and storm, there is the Lord Himself as a reward for the persistency.And when his grace and salvation come unexpectedly, we will ask in amazement:" Who are you exactly?”
Jesus can destroy even our most furious enemies in one moment: " be silent and be quiet" - calmly yawning after waking up ... Or maybe it is not He who sleeps, and we live as if in a dream: as if you act, as if you are saying something, as if you love, as if you are fighting but none of it remains ... only chaff. Wake up. Awaken the Lord in your heart and you will wake up in the Lord's Heart.
Today's Gospel has been a source of great hope for many people. Even if I am in the middle of a cyclone, I will not perish as long as I stick to the Lord Jesus.
The Church is also going through her storms. In the entire history of the Church, there has not been a single generation in which some Christians would not be terrified that the end of the Church was already approaching, and they cry to the Lord Jesus: "Our Savior, do you not care that we are perishing?"
Well, if one of us is anxious about the future of the Church, if someone is afraid of what will happen to the Church, one thing must be rejoiced off and one thing must be strive for. If you are concerned about the Church, it is a good sign that you have not left the Church, that you care for the good of the Church and that you love the Church. So be glad that the Church is a mother to you with whom you feel deeply connected.
But remember that the Lord Jesus rebuked the Apostles for fearing that their boat would sink in a storm. The boat in which the Lord Jesus is found cannot sink. So, if ever comes to us the fear for the future of the Church, let us first of all test our faith: do I really believe in the Lord Jesus? and our love: do I really trust God as the guiding principle of my life? - and let us not worry about the rest. The Lord Jesus is the Son of God and the Lord of human history. If he wants, in one moment, he can calm down the storms that are troubling His Church. If, however, various storms come upon you or me, let us not be afraid, but turn even more to Him. Let us fully entrust ourselves to Him.
Until Tomorrow
fr. george