
Time of Mercy Blog


Convert, that is, convert yourself not others - Lk 13:1-9

After all, there will always be someone who I can say is a greater sinner and more in need of conversion than me.

In today's Gospel Some people come to Jesusto report to Him about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate mixed with the blood of their victims. How often are we tempted to go to Jesus to report some sinners who need to convert? I think it would be easy for us to make a list of people who should convert: atheists, gay person, politicians of one option or another, neighbor, husband, wife, children, boss, etc. We rarely mention ourselves among these people, even less often in the first place. Because they are the sinners. Because they do not convert, and they should.

After all, there will always be someone who I can say is a greater sinner and more in need of conversion than me. Sometimes our being in the Church makes us feel more righteous and we turn into a Pharisee praying in the temple: "God, it's good that I am not like this sinner." How surprised they must have been when Jesus replied, “Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way, they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!"

Jesus exposes their sense of being better, fairer than those who died. After all, those sins are publicly known and are grave - they are people who have someone's blood on their conscience. Perhaps they thought that Jesus would sit down with them and get caught up in judgment over those sinners. Meanwhile, it is the informers who hear the call to conversion. Their sense of righteousness, which makes them come to Jesus denouncing others, is shattered: they were not greater sinners, neither than the other Galileans, nor than you. Do not feel better, because you are the same and it is you who need to convert. They were very disappointed with that answer.

Today too, Jesus says to us: do not think that others are greater sinners than you. They are not. During Ash Wednesday, accepting the ashes on our heads, we could hear: "Convert and believe in the Gospel." However, there is such a temptation, especially when we feel a little stronger in faith, more committed to the Church, to change "convert" to "convert others." But nowhere does Jesus say to his disciples: "convert others" or "they need conversion." We will always hear, "convert" - you, not them. Though they probably need it too, Christ nevertheless always says it to those who listen to Him.

He was not saying this to the pagan Romans who were in Israel at the time, or to the pagan peoples living around. Converting others can actually be a demon temptation. Yes, it is supported with godly intentions, but it goes in the wrong direction. Usually, the more we commit ourselves to converting others, the more we forget about our own conversion.

We begin to take the splinters out of the eyes of others and stop fighting the beam in our own eye. Sometimes this is a way to run away from our sins - to deal with the sins of others. That is why I like that moment in the Eucharist, when at the beginning everyone, beating their breasts, confesses: "my fault, my fault, my very great fault". It always puts me at the top of list of sinners in need of conversion. Me, not my parish priest, not a couple living in a non-sacramental relationship, not those who did not come to the Eucharist.

We Christians do not have the task of converting others, converting this world. Our task is to convert, that is, to subject our thinking, our heart to metanoia - to a profound change. From our purely human, also religious thinking to the thinking of Jesus and the sensitivity of the Gospel. The world needs not so many Christians who will call the world to conversion, but rather Christians who will bring God's Spirit into the world.

Fortunately, it is not us, but the Holy Spirit who is the agent of conversion. That is why Jesus asks us today about the fruits of our Christianity. It is not our war with the world that changes this world. The world will always be stronger. The world can change as we bear the fruits of the Gospel. "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."

Let us convert the world, our families, neighbors, and society by loving even more, bringing peace, showing patience, being kind, doing good, being faithful, gentle, self-controlled. But for this we need to be constantly and personally converted to the Gospel. Myself!

Conversion is hope, it is a new chance. This is beautifully illustrated in Jesus' parable of the withered fig tree. The value of the fig tree is measured by its fruiting. No fruit - the fig tree awaits fire. Each of us is a tree that deserves fire. But God is infinitely patient with us and gives us new opportunities for conversion. We still have this gospel "year" to bear fruit. But we must also be aware that this final year will come someday. And when we do not take advantage of the "last chance", the fate of a withered fig tree awaits us.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski