
Time of Mercy Blog


Holy Monday

“Six days before Passover Jesus came to Bethany.” Previously, when Jesus was at the house of Martha and Mary, Mary sat at His feet, listening to His teachings. Now a lot has changed. We cannot imagine the joy that both sisters experienced when their brother who had been in the tomb for four days was brought back to live. When Jesus came to their home after this event, he is no longer a friend of the family, a great teacher of God's truth. Even the word "benefactor" does not seem to fit Him. He is just the Savior who brought their brother from beyond the grave, from there from where people never come back. That is why Mary behaves in a way that goes beyond convention. In a spontaneous heart reflex, she takes a bottle of the precious oil and pours it over Jesus' feet. With this immensely costly gesture, all she wants to express is that she is never able to repay Jesus.

What Mary did not realize was that her gesture also had a sense that she did not intend. She did not know that in this way she anointed the Lord Jesus on the day of His funeral. The whole house was filled with the fragrance of the oil. In Mary's intention it was to be a scent of gratitude, but it was a wonderful scent of a sacrifice pleasing to God, which Jesus was to offer himself on the cross in a few days.

Mary anoints the feet, not the head. Anointing of the head would mean a priest or a king. The anointing of the feet indicates a wanderer, a pilgrim, or perhaps a walker, a warrior before the final fight. The feet of Jesus must have seemed "graceful" to her, the feet of "the bringer of the joyful news who proclaims peace, heralds of happiness, who announces salvation" (cf. Is 52: 7).

Undoubtedly, the feet of Christ ... had something to remember. It is proved by the language of the Gospel parables, full of images and sensations caused by close contact with the earth, water, plants and animals. With Mary's hands, with her hair. Yes, there is such a thing as "foot memories" that carry the entire past with them. These sensations will soon be joined by another sensation - pain. "Good Friday, holy legs pierced through, and nailed to the cross with blunt nails" - it will be necessary to sing on Good Friday at night. But in this difficult moment, Jesus' feet will also remember the gesture of Mary of Bethany, about which the old Benedictine prayer says that "when she kissed the feet of her Redeemer, Mary had peace."

Looking at God, at His love and power, triggers the need for adoration. This was perfectly understood by Mary of Bethany, who experienced this sensitive power and liberation that recognized her dignity.

The first duty of the Church is to worship God, to adore His saving presence. The Church, in her mystery, is first a mystery and communion, and only then can she be a mission.

Those who want to bring the Church only to a charity institution, without paying attention to the mystery of God, they betray Jesus.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski