
Time of Mercy Blog


The wind blows where it wills - Jn 3:7b-15

I really like this text which compares the Holy Spirit to the wind: The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.” And this is what happens to us when we surrender ourselves to the action of the Holy Spirit. But it is not some impersonal energy, but a specific Person! God in the person of the Holy Spirit wants to inspire us. He sometimes invites us a little and sometimes more to spontaneity. To give up control over your life and put it in God's hands. Invites you to God's madness! What is it supposed to be about? This is explained in the first reading: to sell my collateral and hand it over for the benefit of the Church community.

That does not mean you have to go now and get rid of your savings in your account. But look if there is something in your life that weighs you down heavily and prevents you from succumbing to the breath of the Holy Spirit, which is ... unpredictable like the wind: sometimes it appears at the most unexpected moment and usually it is not known where it will lead us. It means you know: to God. But by what paths? We do not know that anymore. And we do not need to know it! It is important that we know how to dare to submit to Him. Especially when our only human thinking prompts: this is crazy! Then it is worth listening to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who comes in a light breeze and visits our souls, bringing as a gift: peace, joy, goodness, patience, forbearance.

The rebirth, that is, the rise to the New Life, is to take place here on earth, at the time of death at the latest. That is why Jesus devotes most of his time and energy to this issue. He tells us little about Heaven, because the most important thing for us today is "the second birth". Without it, Heaven is beyond our reach. It is therefore of the utmost importance that we understand what it means to "be born of the Spirit". It is worth striving for this knowledge at all costs.

And one more thing. When St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was converted, he was called "Loco por Cristo". Literally it can be translated: Crazy for Christ. And you? Do you have the courage and inner freedom to make others laugh at you and call you a fool because of Christ?

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski