
Time of Mercy Blog


Be concerned first of all that you have life within yourselves.

Some funeral homes can do such cosmetics of the deceased that it looks like alive in the coffin. Looks alive but is dead. The Lord Jesus tells us in today's Gospel: Be concerned first of all that you have life within yourselves, not how you look. For what good is it that you appear to be a just man, if your heart is full of pride, fornication, covetousness, deceit, hatred? What good is it that your family passes in the eyes of people as a harmonious and loving family, if in fact you are constantly arguing, and maybe even everything that was good between you has already burned out and turned into mutual indifference?

What is important is what is inside man – Jesus tells us today. It is good that you are showing kindness to one another. But the most important thing is that in your hearts you are kind to each other. Hypocritical displays of kindness introduce seeds of death and decay into human relations. "Woe to you", the Lord Jesus said on the same subject on another occasion, "because You cleanse the outside of cup and dish, but inside they are full of plunder and self-indulgence " (Mt 23:25).

Whatever you look at, the same principle should apply everywhere: let us try to ensure that truth and goodness and love reign in our interiors. Only under this condition what is revealed on the outside will be authentic. After all, we sometimes do not know how to love authentically even to our own children. St. Augustine often asked: "Ask yourself if you really love your children if you do not know how to love yourself. After all, you - like it or not – it radiates to your children what you are inside. If you really care about the welfare of your children, you must make sure that there is truth and goodness within you."

The most important thing is what is inside you - the Lord Jesus tells us today. Don't pretend to be good but be good for real. Do not pretend to be a pious person, but truly entrust yourself to God. Don't pretend to be a good father or mother, but really love your children. Do not pretend to be concerned about the common good but let the common good really be the object of your concern.

Thought from Saint Faustina: Jesus, You alone know my heart and possess it whole and entire. No one knows our secret. We understand each other mutually with one look. From the moment we came to know each other I have been happy. Your greatness is my fullness. (…) External things mean nothing to pure love; it cuts through them all. Neither prison doors nor the gates of heaven are strong enough to stop it. It reaches GodHimself, and nothing can quench it. It knows no obstacles; it is free like a queen and hasfree access to all places. Death itself must bow its head before it. (Diary 201)

Until tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski