
Time of Mercy Blog


"My beloved child"

God says this to us every day. " This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." (Mt 3:17). This divine voice is the beginning of my every day. Every day I hear these words in my heart.

“You are not what you do.
You are not what you have.
You are not what people say about you.
You are God’s beloved child.
This is your only true identity”. (Robert Schuler)

Beautiful! Real!

And yet we often do not hear it. We often have a wrong idea about ourselves because since childhood we have been fed on other people's words, not God's. We live by the names that others have given us. Probably each of us at least once heard unpleasant words from someone, which sit, somewhere deep inside us and maybe comes out in different situations.

That is why we must return to Jesus. We must turn to our loving Father in Heaven, who sees us as a beloved child. No matter how much the child messes up, He sees the best in us, what sometimes others couldn't and can't see. He knows that we can be a diamond, but we have to let Him polish us. Let Him take charge of our lives.

God has spoken to people many times. And how many times people did not answer, left. He is not discouraged. He wants us to return to Him. He wants to be in a relationship with us. He wants to speak to us and remind us that we will always and forever be His beloved children.

Let's go back to the Bible today. Let us find at least a few minutes each day to immerse ourselves in the Word. Maybe as part of the new month's resolution, let's set a day, for example, for a short adoration or for Mass during the week.

And above all, let us not forget that we are his beloved children.

Thought from Saint Faustina: “My child, life on earth is a struggle indeed; a great struggle for My kingdom. But fear not, because you are not alone. I am always supporting you, (92) so lean on Me as you struggle, fearing nothing. Take the vessel of trust and draw from the fountain of life – for yourself, but also for other souls, especially such as those who are distrustful of My goodness" (Diary 1488)

Best wishes from the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy and Sanctuary of Blessed Michael Sopocko in Bialystok, Poland

fr. george

George Bobowski