
Time of Mercy Blog


Easter Sunday - Resurrection

The image of the past three days is still present in our hearts. We still see the dramatic scene of Jesus being nailed to the cross. We still hear mockery and abusive curses coming from the Way of the Cross. We still have the impression that this horrific crime machine has not yet stopped. We still experience the betrayal of Judas and the strangely similar betrayal of Peter.  We still see the apostles fleeing from the cross. Around so much noise, hostile cries, so many of our tears shed on the tormented body of the savior.


And suddenly we are surprised, as if helplessin the face of the SILENCE of theResurrection. God comes to us this morning insilence, without witnesses, without unnecessary words, without shouting. We can say that the passion of Jesus is a greatspectacle in contrast to the resurrection.


God comes in silence. We need this silence ofEaster morning so much today. Blessed arethe meek, for they shall inherit the earth.Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shallsee God


The silence of prayer, the silence ofcontemplation, brings us closer to God. Thissilence also allows us to penetrate our soul, itallows us to feel, to hear the heartbeat. The silence of the Host and Chalice elevation, when only His words are heard: this is my body, this is my blood.


Silence always allows us to prepare for the rest of our life. It teaches us to understand others, it teaches us to understand the intentions that guide the words and behaviorsof another person.


Only in silence can you hear God calling you by name. Just as he called Mary Magdalene as she searched for his body in despair. MARY is called by Christ. He calls us by name in the same way today. He calls us to see him, to enjoy his presence. Christ says to her: Go, tell my brothers that I am alive. Go, he also says to me and you, go, act, create, transform your life, I am with you. Don't be afraid. Mary, says Jesus, open your eyes, see I am. I am the Light of the world; I am the Life and Resurrection. Mary on the day of the Resurrection confessed her faith, recognized the master and shouted Rabboni.


Peter sighed with relief and joy when he saw the empty tomb - he believed. He understood, he was no longer afraid of his own death.  One of the priest poet wrote: I am dying because I know that You are the real life.


Only his life is necessary, our earthly life is only the way to Him. Death in his name is life. Life without Christ is death. I must die to truly live. For God there are no two worlds, the world of the living and the world of the dead. We all live for him.


In other words – I can safely leave because You are waiting for me. You who are the Resurrection and the Life.  God is risen so that we may be resurrected. So that we can still see here on earth that our life has meaning. St. Paul will say – if there were no resurrection, our faith would be in vain, all effort would be in vain.

The eminent theologian of our time, Karl Rahner, said: what can I say about you, God, if not that you are my God? The God of my beginning and my end. God of my joy and my sorrow. The God of my life and my resurrection.


Easter is a celebration of life. Christ is not only risen, He LIVES. The angel asks the women – why do you look for him among the dead, he is not here, he lives.  From now on, we can see the whole world with the eyes of life, not death. To live means to be free, not to be afraid of other people, not to be afraid of adversity.


To live is to build a world with everyone. To build a world based on hope, on love, on faith in God and in other people. To live is to open the doors of fraternity, friendship, kindness and truth


The lesson that Jesus left us is the Good News. Good, so joyful and happy. Good, because it is a story about life.


To live means to grow constantly and to rise again every day. May our words and deeds create a new day in our lives, a dawn that is a sign of life - just like today.


Throughout our lives, let us strive not for death, but for a new earth, for a new life firmly rooted in God. He was dead, but he came to life. Apparently the same, but different. Let us rise with him. Apparently the same, but from today different, better, more beautiful, transformed by Him and for Him.


Dear sisters and brothers, Christ the Lord is truly risen and truly lives. ALLELUIA

Happy Easter from all of us at The Lay Institute of Divine Mercy


Thoughts from Saint Faustina:  The Resurrection. Today, during the [Mass of the] Resurrection, I saw the Lord Jesus in the midst of a great light. He approached me and said, Peace be to you, My children, and He lifted up His hand and gave His blessing. The wounds in His hands, feet and side were indelible and shining. When he looked at me with such kindness and love, my whole soul drowned itself in Him. And he said to me, You have taken a great part in My Passion; therefore, I now give you a great share in My joy and glory. The whole time of the Resurrection [Mass] seemed like only a minute to me. A wondrous recollection filled my soul and lasted throughout the whole festal season. The kindness of Jesus is so great that I cannot express it.(Diary 205)

fr. george




Today bring to Me ALL DEVOUT AND FAITHFUL SOULS and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. The souls brought Me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were that drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness.    

Most Merciful Jesus, from the treasury of Your mercy, You impart Your graces in great abundance to each and all. Receive us into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart and never let us escape from It. We beg this grace of You by that most wonderous love for the heavenly Father with which Your Heart burns so fiercely.        

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon faithful souls, as upon the inheritance of Your Son. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, grant them Your blessing and surround them with Your constant protection. Thus, may they never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith, but rather, with all the hosts of Angels and Saints, may they glorify Your boundless mercy for endless ages. Amen.

(Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet)

George Bobowski