Holy Monday - The Second Day of Creation
Six days before the Passover, Jesus is in Bethany. It is his proven asylum, where he can feel safe among his friends. It is here that he has performed his greatest miracle: he raised up Lazarus. In this family space, he was listened to in a friendly manner, without expecting another miracle, without prejudice or asking tricky questions.
Mary quickly understood how important simple listening is in friendship, not only for her own benefit, but above all because of respect for the Master. Martha, on the other hand, a specialist in a well-set table, through the teachings of Jesus, became a woman of courageous faith who confesses with her life the truth about the resurrection even before Christ's Resurrection.
In the Bethany family, Jesus received the simplest and most precious things: presence, time and a smile. That is why he came back here. Therefore, after toiling up in teaching in the temple in Jerusalem, he spent his time of rest at night in the house of Lazarus.
“Let your soul be the second Bethany, where Jesus will come to rest and where you will prepare a feast of love for him. (...) I offer you the cell of my heart, let it be your little Bethany; come to rest here, I love You so much ... I would like to console You, and that is why I offer myself to You as a victim, O Master, for you and with You” (Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity)
The Master of Nazareth was not disappointed with his Friends in Judea. When the drama of death approached, they were with him - the house is open, ready to welcome the Friend of the family. Mary, on behalf of her sister and brother, takes a bottle of the precious national oil and anoints her Beloved. She is ready to offer what is most precious to Him who was priceless to her. An expensive gesture, as the purchase of the oil was associated with the year-round earnings of a human being. But everything could be done for friends. “Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a treasure. Faithful friends are beyond price, no amount can balance their worth.Faithful friends are life-saving medicine; those who fear God will find them. " (cf. Sir 6: 14-16)
On the second day of creation, God separated heaven from earth. A similar situation is taking place in Bethany. Mary, as well as her whole family, is ready to offer Jesus everything that is most precious. Judas, who was also there, quite the opposite. Calculating in making a profit, he chooses silver coins instead of God; converts friendship into profit.
The same choice between calculation and passion, the same separation between heaven and earth, happen in us every day. Today it is worth asking yourself: what is the highest value for me? Who is the most important to me? Am I able to sacrifice what is most valuable and hard gained?
Finally, it is worth adding that on Holy Monday, on his way to Jerusalem, Christ made a fig tree withered because he found no fruit on it. And in the eternal city itself, seeing merchants and bankers trading within the temple, he overturned their tables and drove them out of the holy place.
"And so, Evening came, and morning followed—the second day
Until Tomorrow
fr. george