Palm Sunday - First day of creation
Holy Week - the space and time of Jesus' last earthly days. It is the time of the end and the beginning, suffering and triumph, emptiness that speaks and unspeakable joy. It is an atmosphere of a SECRET before which I kneel, keep silent and adore. Interestingly - my heart tells me that I do not have to understand the MYSTERY of these days, all I need to do is love it.
The content of the events of Holy Week is related to the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, meeting with friends in Bethany, the Master's recent discussions with the Sanhedrin, the revealing of a traitor, Christ's prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world. The last hours of Jesus are filled with emotions, the Last Supper, the dramatic Passion, and finally the glorious Resurrection. The liturgy of these days recreates these events, inspiring me to deep reflection and great gratitude.
This time of Holy Week can be seen in the light of another Holy Week - the account of the creation of the world. Everything was created out of nothing there. Here, thanks to Jesus Christ, everything becomes new ... I invite you every day of Holy Week to reflect in the atmosphere of creation - Evening came, and morning followed
Palm Sunday - First Day of Creation
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. It is today that Jesus with humble courage enters Jerusalem - the city of the end and the beginning. He has been here many times before. He knows this place ...
This time, however, his coming brings spontaneous joy - the crowds throw cloaks and olive branches on the road, shouting: "Hosanna to the Son of David". Such a simple arrival and such a simple greeting. It is an expression of gratitude for the enormity of the good that Jesus has already done by word and deed, but it is also a form of awaiting that there will be more of this good ... And there will actually be more, because through the Cross and the Resurrection this good will flowsimmeasurably on the whole humanity and the world. Palm Sunday’s Liturgy is stretched between two moments: a joyful procession and the reading of the Lord's Passion. In this way, it is possible to understand even better that the experience of triumph always involves the toil of sacrifice and renunciation.
On the first day, God creates heaven and earth and separates light from darkness. It separates, but at the same time allows them to exist side by side, complement each other, show diversity. Isn't it the same in everyday life? Always the taste of victory and the joy of success will be associated with brave effort and systematic struggle. The painful experience of Good Friday’s Cross will be intertwined with the joyful explosion of hope on Resurrection Sunday.
On the first day, God made heaven and earth ... Christ is the Beginning, He is the new Beginning! His Passion, reads today, restores meaning to the world. Through His Passion, Jesus makes everything anew. It brings peace between God and man. Restores the creation to the Creator. WE have a Father.
And so "Evening came, and morning followed—the First Day”
Until Tomorrow
fr. george