
Time of Mercy Blog


Life in truth comes from listening to the Truth. (Mk 6:14-19)

There are people, when their consciences are struck by the truth, they come to their senses, humble themselves and convert from the wrong path. Other, like Herodias, full of hatred, with a desire for revenge, and even want death those who, with the preached word, touch their conscience hardened by sin. It was Herodias who condemned the innocent John to death, and Herod, in his weakness, pride and fear of loss of honor, ordered that the sentence be executed, even against his own desire, because, as the Scriptures say, "he was very sad." He chose the glory of this world, a life in sin and constant torment, and perhaps an inner despair, rather than the truth that had the power to set him free ... convinced that it was John who rose from the dead, John, whom he had beheaded.

Yes, the truth cannot be killed. The truth will always knock on our consciences. The truth brings us peace when we follow truth, when we seek truth and build our concrete reality on it. Or it worries when it hits our sin, in the place of our lives, which we hide from God, to whom we may not want to admit, justifying to ourselves, explaining that "everyone does that" or "everyone lives like that today.”

But the Word says, "You must not ..." Any Christian who wants to live the Gospel, who wants to follow Jesus, will accept this Word with love, not as a command that restricts my freedom, but as a Word that guides us on the path of the true life, true happiness and the true freedom of living in truth. And life in truth comes from listening to the Truth.

Every day we experience battles between good and evil. How many choices are ahead of us in one day, how many important decisions to make and how many temptations to compromise ... Let us ask the Holy Spirit, let us constantly ask Him, that we would have the courage to always choose the truth, live it and fight for it, even at the cost of our life.

Until Tomorrow

fr. george

George Bobowski