Sometimes the testimony of life is more important than words (Mk 6:7-13)
In the mission of the Twelve described in the Gospel, we discover the paradigm of the mission of the Church. Listening to the words of Jesus, we discover the logic of the community of Christ's disciples. And what criteria should be essential in the action of her shepherds.
"Jesus summoned to Himself ..."
This is the first criterion. Knowing that it is He who is calling you. He chooses. From the very beginning you can see that he does not follow the "world" criteria. If that were the case, those he chose would never be among them. He appoints not because of organizational skills, oratorical talents, intelligence or erudition: "God chose what is stupid in the eyes of the world," wrote the apostle Paul. This is what Jesus calls and sends, calling them apostles - messengers.
"Began to send them out two by two..."
If they had walked one by one, they would probably have reached more places. They would meet more people to whom they could tell about Jesus. Yet Jesus sends them out two by two. That is - he sends a tiny community in which he himself is present - "where there are two or three gathered in My name, there I am in their midst." In the evangelizing mission, the testimony of life is sometimes more important than words. A testimony of love, forgiveness, reconciliation, overcoming disputes. This is what "the community of two" is for. That those who preach will be credible.
"And gave them authority..."
Authority in the Church. Theme - river. Sometimes the cause of scandals. Sometimes a manifestation of human usurpation. A desire to imitate the style of power that prevails in the world. “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and the great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you.” (cf. Mt 20: 25-26) Disciples do not receive latifundia. They receive a share of Jesus' divine power. The one who " not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many." (cf. Mt 20:28) By this power, the disciples are to free people from evil and heal them.
“He instructed them to take nothing for the journey..."
Surprisingly. Jesus forbids his disciples to stock up on what appears necessary to fulfill any essential task. They can take - apart from the clothes they are wearing - only sandals and a traveling cane. This is a sign that they must be available, always ready to go. No unnecessary burdens. No food supplies. Without money. Even without a bag to put what they will get from others. Their only "protection" - as if despite human calculations - is to trust Him who guides them in this mission.
"Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave from there..."
In other words: do not seek comfort. Do not look where it can be better, more prosperous. Do not go home from home. Share with the people to whom you come, their way of life. Jesus does not guarantee his disciples that they will be welcomed everywhere and will be able to talk about him without hindrance. However, when rejected, they can only shake the dust off their feet. They have no right to stigmatized or make accusations. Judgment belongs only to God.
"So, they went off and preached repentance..."
This is the essence of the mission of the disciples, the mission of the Church. "Come out" - it means not to close yourself in your own fears of the "hostile" world. Do not lose confidence. Do not allow yourself to be enslaved by your own obsessions. "Calling to convert" is to proclaim the Risen Christ, who is the Good News. Preach the Word that heals and liberates. It is strengthening and gives joy. Preach the Gospel and be credible. Thanks to love.
Until Tomorrow
fr. george